
Joint Purchasing Program

Joint Purchasing Program

Learn about the Public Purchasing System of
Korea Communications Industry Cooperative.
  • Introduction to the Public Purchasing System

    What is the Public Purchasing System for Goods of SMBs
    The Joint Purchasing Program of the SMB goods is based on Article 2 of the ACT ON FACILITATION OF PURCHASE OF SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISE-MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS AND SUPPORT FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THEIR MARKETS (hereinafter referred to as the Facilitation Act),which generally refers to the systems that are intended to facilitate purchasing of the goods of SMBs by public agencies (national government agencies, local governments, public agencies in accordance with the ACT ON THE MANAGEMENT OF PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS, local corporations, industrial complexes, or other special corporations).
    Key Contents
    Characteristics of the Facilitation Act
    The Facilitation Act is a special law to be applied in preference to the national (or local) public contracting laws.
    The Facilitation Act is to be applied in preference to the National Contracting Act for the products designated by the head of the SMBA in Competitive Tenders (Designation Tenders) for SMBs, direct purchasing of the materials used for public purposes, or preferential purchase of R&D products.
    Related Laws
    Joint SMB Product Purchasing Program Operation Guideline
    Bylaws for the Operation of the Preferential Purchasing Program for SMB Tech. R&D Products
  • Designation of the competing products between SMBs

    A system that requires the products which are manufactured by SMBs and need marketing facilitation (207 Competition-between-SMBs items as of 2014) should be procured and contracted through competition only between SMBs
    207 Competition-between-SMBs Products for 2014
    Designation requirements
    A. There should be at least 10 SMBs that directly manufacture and deliver such products (5 if the manufacturers of such products
    need protection and facilitation).
    B. The purchase amount by public agencies per year should be at least one billion won.
    C. While the products meet the requirements in A and B above, it is recognized that the business opportunities for the SMBs which
    manufacture such products are threatened due the entry of large corporate manufactures or importer-distributers into the
    Korean market based on actual cases, statistical reviews, or otherwise believed to be in need of such facilitation for the sake
    of industrial policies.
    Designation process
  • Direct purchasing program for the construction materials

    The direct purchasing program for the construction materials is a system which requires that, if the materials used in a construction project owned by a public agency require the use of a material that is designated as a "Construction Material Subject to Direct Purchasing", such a material is to be purchased directly from the manufacturer in order to prevent the manufacturers of such products being limited to the role of a sub-contractor of a large corporation and to facilitate stabilization of the operation of the SMBs by increasing the purchase of products by SMBs.
    - The products among the Competition-between-SMBs products that are to be used as construction materials are selected and designated as the "Direct Purchase Items" (122 construction materials in 2014).
    207 Competition-between-SMBs Products for 2014
    Key Contents
  • Size-based competition program for SMBs

    Background for Introduction
    If the competition for a certain material is too intense, and the opportunity to be awarded with the supply contract for the item is likely diminished for the small-sized companies and therefore it is feared that a handful of companies may monopolize the market in a competitive tender limited to SMBs, the manufacturers are classified into Medium-sized Enterprises, Small-sized Enterprises, and Small Businesses to expand the opportunity to participate in the tenders depending on their classes, in order to increase the business opportunities for the small-sized businesses.
    Key Contents

    The limitation in bidding by the sizes of the companies for the products which are subject to competition in the same classes of SMBs

    The limitation in bidding by the sizes of the companies for the products which are subject to competition in the same classes of SMBs
    Name of the Cooperative Business Area Participation Limitation (Unit: 100 million won)
    Small business Small-sized Enterprises Medium-sized Enterprises
    Korea Federation of Advertising Material Manufacturing Industry Cooperatives Signboards, exhibition stands, signage (outdoor) No limitation Less than 0.5 Less than 0.7
    Korea Federation of Metallic Furniture Industry Cooperatives Office Furniture No limitation Less than 0.3 Less than 0.6
    Korea Surveillance Equipment Industry Cooperative CCTV systems No limitation Less than 0.5 Less than 1.9
    Korea Electrical Manufacturer's Cooperative Distribution panels No limitation Less than 0.6 Less than 1.9
    Korea Automatic Control Industry Cooperative Automatic Control Panel, Field Control Panel No limitation Less than 0.7 Less than 1.9
    Korea Exhibition and Cultural Industry Cooperative Life-size structures, models No limitation Less than 0.3 Less than 0.8
    Korea Federation of Furniture Industry Cooperatives
    Korea Federation of Metallic Furniture Industry Cooperatives
    Furniture, interior ornament furniture No limitation Less than 0.3 Less than 0.6
  • SMB products purchasing quota program

    SMB products purchasing quota program
    A system that requires the public agencies specified in Article 5 of the Facilitation Act and Article 3 in the Execution Decree of
    the said law to purchase a certain ratio of SMB products and R&D products in order to significantly enhance the material
    purchasing effect for the SMB products
    Key Contents
  • Direct manufacturing confirmation program

    The Direct Manufacturing Certification Program seeks to prevent certain malpractices, in which an SMB is awarded with a contract through a Competition-between-SMBs Tender and supplies products manufactured by a large corporation or imported goods, or has the products manufactured by a subcontractor supplied through them. It also seeks to prevent the borrowing of the names of the incorporations, or tenants of agricultural industrial complexes which are qualified for a non-tender based contract and supply products which are manufactured by other sub-contractors.

    Key Contents

    1. Register with the Public Purchasing System General Information System (smpp.go.kr)
    In order for SMBs which manufacture Competition-between-SMBs products to participate in a public procurement tender, it is necessary to have their capability to manufacture the products for themselves verified.
    Register with the Public Purchasing System General Information System (smpp.go.kr)
    2. Method of verification
    The verification of direct manufacturing should be conducted by dispatching inspectors to the factory to review and inspect the factory, manufacturing equipment, process, required man-power, and other related documents
    3. Parties subject to the verification
    The parties subject to such a verification shall include the SMB which is expected to be awarded with the contract through a Competition-between-SMBs tender or a non-tender contract, of which the contract volume is 10 million won or higher.
    4. Verification agency
    In principle, the head of the purchasing public agency of the contract should conduct the verification. However, it is possible to substitute the process with the certification document provided by the President of SMBA through the General Public Purchasing Information.
    5. Disciplinary Actions
    An SMB which supplied products it did not manufacture shall have their direct manufacturing certification status cancelled and prevented from applying for a re-verification for a period of 6 months to one year.
    6. Processing time
    The President of the Korea Federation of SMBs should process the case within 14 days (not including Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays) (Item 7, Article 30, Operation Guideline)
    Designation process
  • Contract Performance capacity evaluation system

    Overview of the Program

    The program was introduced in order to be applied to the Competition-between-SMBs tenders starting from January 2006.
    - The system was introduced in order to exclude the lowest bid price and preserve a certain pricing level (the lowest rate of permitted bid price is 88% of the target price), in the fear of overly-intensified competition between SMBs and excessive lowering of the prices.
    - The program is intended to select SMBs with proper performance capability for the contract and promote greater compliance with the government's policy.

    Key Contents

    1. Tenders subject to Performance Capability Certification
    To be applied to the limited or designated tenders for Competition-between-SMBs products announced by the President of the SMBA
    2. Qualification requirement for the bidders
    To be limited to the SMBs which can manufacture the purchased item directly
    3. Method of assessing the contract performance capability
    The bidders are to be assessed in the order of the lowest bidding price. And, the bidders whose total score is at least 88 shall be selected as the successful bidder.
    4. Evaluation criteria
    Evaluate the contract performance capability, bid price, reliability, and cause of disqualification
    계약이행능력심사제도 심사기준
    Items worth less than 100,000 won Price 70 points, performance capability (only the management status in accordance with the credit ratings will be assessed) 30 points
    Items worth 1 billion won or more Price 55 points, performance capability 45 points (Past reference record 5 points, technical capability 10 points, and credit ratings 30 points)
    Common Items The reliability (3 ~ -2 points) and the cause of disqualification shall apply commonly.
  • SMB Technical R&D Product Preferential Purchasing Program

    Overview of the Program

    A preferential purchasing program for the technical R&D products by SMBs in order to facilitate marketing of the technical R&D products of an SMB.
    - SMB's technical R&D products :
    New products (NEP), new technology products (NET), SW quality-certified products (GS), Excellent Public Procurement Products, Performance-certified products (EPC), and products originating from a successful purchase-guaranteed project, Products from a successful joint public-private technical development project, certified Green products, Excellent Public Procurement Joint Trademark Products, products from a successful SMB convergence technical R&D program, products designated as an industrial convergence product, products from a successful shared-achievements technical development project, and 13 designated items for joint technical development programs between SMBs and public agencies.

    Key Contents

    1. The technical R&D products of SMBs may be subject to a non-tender contract in accordance with Article 26 of the "National Contracting Act" and Article 25 of the "Local Contracting Act."
    The technical R&D products of SMBs may be subject to a non-tender contract in accordance with Article 26 of the "National Contracting Act" and Article 25 of the "Local Contracting Act." Also, in accordance with Article 13 of the Facilitation Act, the President of SMBA or other central administrative bodies are allowed to take necessary steps such as a preferential purchasing. The public organization so requested may take actions including preferential purchasing of such products. The public organization which requested for a preferential purchase by the President of SMBA or other central administrative bodies shall inform the President of SMBA or the relevant central administrative body of the result of the preferential purchasing within 60 days
    2. The legally required ratio of technical R&D SMB products to be purchased by a public agency shall be at least 10% of the total amount of SMB products purchased

    Contact information of the person in charge at the Regional SMBA

    Contact information of the person in charge at the Regional SMBA
    Organization Contact Organization Contact
    Seoul Regional SMBA 02-2110-6324 Daejeon, Choongnam Regional SMBA 042-865-6155
    Busan, Ulsan Regional SMBA 051-601-5124 Gangwon Regional SMBA 033-260-1641
    Daegu, Gyoungbuk Regional SMBA 053-659-2228 Choongbuk Regional SMBA 043-230-5370
    Gwangju, Jeonnam Regional SMBA 062-360-9141 Jeonbuk Regional SMBA 063-210-6481
    Gyounggi Regional SMBA 031-201-6936 Gyoungnam Regional SMBA 055-268-2543
    Incheon Regional SMBA 032-450-1134

    Technical R&D Product Certification Agency Contact Information

    Technical R&D Product Certification Agency Contact Information
    Name of the technical certification Name of the agency Contact Name of the technical certification Name of the agency Contact
    NEP, NET(Science and technology), GS Korea Agency for Technology and Standards 02-509-7286 Excellent Public Procurement Product Public Procurement Service 042-481-7285
    NET(Construction) Ministry of Land and Maritime Affairs 02-2110-6299 NET(Environment) Ministry of Environment 02-2110-6727
  • Performance Certification, Performance Insurance Program

    Overview of the Program
    A program in which the government conducts a performance test on the technical R&D product of an SMB of which the reliability of the performance is yet to be certified. The certified products are subject to a preferential purchase program by public agencies in order to facilitate technical development of SMBs and increase the purchase volume of such products by the public sector. Also, the products which are covered by the performance insurance after certification are not subject to any liabilities for damages caused by the purchase of such a product.

    Key Contents

    Performance Certification
    1. Subject items
    - Technical R&D products developed to be supplied to public agencies (New Technology Certified products, patented products, products of technical innovation, or products by a venture company)
    2. Validity of the performance certification
    - 3 years from the date of certification
    Performance insurance
    - To solve the issue of liability for damages due to purchasing a product of performance certification and prevent avoidance of new technical R&D products.
    - The purchasing officer is exempted from any liability for the damages caused due to the purchase of the performance-certified products
    Performance Certification Process

    Contact information of the person in charge of performance certification with the Regional Offices

    Contact information of the person in charge of performance certification with the Regional Offices
    Organization Contact Organization Contact
    Seoul Regional SMBA 02-2110-6324 Daejeon, Choongnam Regional SMBA 042-865-6143
    Busan, Ulsan Regional SMBA 051-601-5145 Gangwon Regional SMBA 033-260-1643
    Daegu, Gyoungbuk Regional 053-659-2243 Choongbuk Regional SMBA 043-230-5375
    Gwangju, Jeonnam Regional SMBA 062-360-9144 Jeonbuk Regional SMBA 063-210-6455
    Gyounggi Regional SMBA 031-201-6935 Gyoungnam Regional SMBA 055-268-2573
    Incheon Regional SMBA 032-450-1141
    Performance Insurers
    Seoul Guarantee Insurance, Machinery Financial Cooperative, Software Financial Cooperative, Samsung Fire and Marine Insurance, LG Fire and Marine Insurance
  • MAS

    1. The result of the analysis on the needs of the customers showed that the needs and preferences of the customers further diversified as they demand supply of more diverse items of higher quality and appropriate customer services.
    2. To meet the needs of the customers and ensure transparency in public purchasing, as well as to encourage high-quality, high-class products, it is now required to introduce an advanced form of procurement service.

    Introduction of the program

    1. Detailed implementation rules (guidelines) have been announced in order for the seamless operation of the MAS.
    - Discount rates are to apply in the case of a large quantity purchase. Replacement provision in the case of enhancement of the performance of the product.
    2. The program was executed mainly with regard to items which could be applied to this program in 2005, which was the initial phase of the introduction, followed by the step-wise expansion of application.
    MAS flow

    Characteristics of MAS

    Contracting method and types
    1. Normal competitive contracting
    - Multiple number of qualified candidates rather than the pre-contract competition.
    (the candidates which are notified as a qualifying candidate) are to be contracted with in order to enhance competitiveness after contracting.
    2. Unit price contract for third-parties
    - The contacting system in which the Public Procurement Service enters into a contract, and the public agency (purchaser) request the supplier to deliver the goods directly upon request.
    Subject items
    1. Items commercially available with fixed model designations (or specifications)
    - Items which are already on the market or there are present or estimated demands from public agencies
    2. Products that are applicable to unit price contracts (including third party unit price contracts)
    3. Other products deemed necessary by the President of the Public Procurement Service
    Selection of the contractor
    1. The candidates are evaluated based on their management status (70 points) and supply reference (30 points)
    - Management status + reference = Minimum requirement 85 points
    2. The qualified candidates are to engage in the price negotiation. And, if the result of the price negotiation is satisfactory and within the price ceiling, such a candidate shall be selected as the supplier.
    3. The price negotiation shall be conducted for each specification (model). The specification (model) of the supplier who suggested a price that is within the target price range shall be selected.
    Contracting with multiple suppliers
    All qualifying candidates with products of equivalent quality, performance, or efficiency are to enter into a contract after a successful price negotiation.
    Lowering of the unit price
    In order to maintain the lowest possible contract price, it is possible to reduce the price at any time after 30 days from the signing of the contract upon request by the contractual counterpart.
    Discount rates shall apply in the case of a request for supply of a large quantity of products.
    The bidder may suggest a discount rate if the amount in demand for a single supply batch is above a certain threshold.
    Products with enhanced quality or performance may be added
    1. The contractual counterpart may replace the model of the contract with an upgraded model (specification).
    2. If the contractual party request for the addition of items, it is possible to add more items after receiving the price quotation and technical specification and going through price negotiations.
    Term of the contract
    1. The contractual term may vary from one year to three years. It is possible to set the term of the contract shorter than a year if the life cycle of the product is short.
    MAS work process
    MAS work process
  • Recommendation Program for companies subject to non-tender procurement for small value items

    In the case where a public agency is to purchase a Competition-between-SMBs product (as designated by the President of SMBA in accordance with Article 6 of the Facilitation Act), this program allows for the receipt of recommendations of the possible suppliers from the relevant association (Small-sized enterprises or small businesses) after comparing the prices between them and entering into a non-tender contract, in order to promote procurement of products manufactured by SMBs.

    Key Contents

    - The recommendation process such as the "Request for Recommendation" by the purchasing public agency or the "Recommendation" by the relevant cooperatives, as well as request for recommendation by the relevant company may be processed through the "Small-amount Non-tender Supplier Recommendation System" in the Public Procurement Information Network (www.smpp.go.kr).
    Work Process
    Recommendation request by a public agency
    - Selection of the product: Select the detailed products in accordance with the detailed number (G2B number)
    - Selection of the cooperative: Select the cooperative among those related to the item name selected (G2B number)
    - Number of the companies requesting recommendation: At least 5 or more (In the case where their estimated price is less than 20 million won, two or more)
    The recommendation request from the company
    - Applicable companies: Small enterprises or small businesses which have been confirmed to be manufacturing the products for themselves for the relevant product item name (G2B number)Recommendation request by the cooperative
    Recommendation request by the cooperative
    - Applicable cooperative: The cooperative to which the company which was confirmed to be manufacturing the products themselves belongs and coverts the product item (G2B number) that the public agency selected.
    - Company Recommendation: Based on the order of recommendation, the number of annual recommendations for each sub item (G2B number) and the ceiling for the annual contracting amount are considered when the qualification of the recommended company is reviewed.
    (If the estimated price is 20 million won or more, include a non-member company)
    Small amount non-tender contract program recommended process
  • • Preferential Purchasing Programs for SMBs


     When a public agency purchases items in a volume less than a certain amount (The announced amount by the MOST) (except for the products from Competition-between-SMBs category)
    competition limited between medium-sized or small-sized enterprises.
    - Less than 100 million won: competition limited to small enterprises
    - 100 million ~ less than 210 million won: competition limited to medium sized enterprises
    Or limited competition between at least three small manufacturers which commercialized the products through a joint program with the cooperative in accordance with the decree by the Ministry of Industry and Resources
    - May request the relevant cooperative to issue a recommendation → Designation competition with the relevant company
    Article 2-3 and 2-3 of the Facilitation Act
  • Preferential Purchasing Program for small companies (competing items)


    When a public agency purchases goods or services designated by the President of SMBA among the Competition-between-SMBs products,
    it is possible to declare limited competition between small enterprises or small businesses.Or limited competition between at least three small manufacturers which commercialized the products through a joint program with the cooperative in accordance with the decree by the Ministry of Industry and Resources
    - May request the relevant cooperative to issue a recommendation → Designation competition with the relevant company
    Selection of the target products
    In accordance with the designation process for the Competition-between-SMBs products
    - The selection shall be made by the SMBA after a review on whether the product meets the requirements to be selected as such a product in accordance with the requirements outlined by the Federation and a public hearing.
    - The selection is to be made after a meeting between the related departments regarding the products recommended by the SMBA and the Federation.
    - Validity: 3 years (same as the validity for the Competition-between-SMBs products)