
Status of the competing products between SMBs

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products of Korea Communications Industry Cooperative.

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중소기업자간 경쟁제품 현황
Product Sub-class Industry
Classification Number
Sub-category Product Name Sub Sub-items
231531 산업용기계부품및액세서리 2315313001 Anti-vibration equipment 25943
432215 Call management system 4322150101 Automatic information equipment 26410
432218 Optical multiplexer 4322181001 Optical multiplexer 26410
432226 Network service equipment 4322269601 Broadcasting equipment 26410
432226 Network service equipment 4322269602 마을무선방송장치 26410
432228 Telephone equipment 4322281705 Underground rebroadcasting equipment 26410
432228 Telephone equipment 4322281805 Integrated 26410
432228 Telephone equipment 4322289701 Frequency division multiplexer(FDM) 26410